Chavanprash is a ayurvedic health supplement and Patanjali toothpaste is a ayurvedic toothpaste,
Chavanprash is a ayurvedic health supplement that's been on this planet for ages. It has MANY benefits such as providing strength, immunity, and preserving vitality. You can eat this!
Patanjali toothpaste is toothpaste sold by Patanjali Ayurved company. Toothpaste is made using ayurvedic ways and is quite popular in India and with oversea indian crowd. The owner of the companies are very famous in the world of yoga: Baba Ramdev and Balkrishna. You cannot eat this!
How was your day ? Open ended questions
Wade's display indicator light began flashing the stopped messages after he crawled out of the tomb.
'Ready Player One' is a Science fiction debut novel by Ernest Cline. The story is set in dystopian society in 2045 and surrounds the life of a teenage named Wade Watts.
In Level One: 0010, as Wade came out of the tomb, his indictaor light began flashing with messages and missed call alerts from Aech. When Wade was in the tomb, Halliday has placed null-communication device inside the tomb so that the players will not be able to communicate to anyone and ask for help. Aech started messaging and calling Wade as soon as he saw his name on the Scoreboard.
Use supporting claims and evidence based on credible texts and resources.
Include an introduction, a conclusion, and transitions.
Integrate other forms of media and formats, such as graphs, charts, headings, audio, or video when appropriate.