Indirect conflict management is management of conflict that aims to settle conflict between parties by adopting a strategy that involves less contact between conflicting parties.
Indirect conflict management uses the following strategies:
managed interdependence, appeal to common goals, upward referral, altering scripts and myths
The Germans had sought after an armistice because the German generals believed it to be the only choice to end an unwinnable war for the Germans. The German navy had been grounded since early on in the war, German armies had been destroyed, the people were starving, and the morale of soldiers were so low that they could not continue on fighting.
The society's members. This is because the perspective of the functionalist lies mostly on the social consensus among the members of the society. With this, functionalists believe that the people are the ones who make the society through their own acts of making the society prosper.
The split left the Democratic Party with enough support to win the election.
Depending on the spread of the bloodstain.
Blood stain that spread in large distance within small pebbles usually indicates a hard force such as blunt weapons attack or bullets
If the bloodstain is gushing down like a pool, it indicates a stabbing incidents using sharp objects.