There is not much of a difference and depends on your preferences as either a reader or a movie watcher
i like the movie more
Both passages deal with the same theme of the inevitability of death.
Both of the passages share the same theme of the inevitability of death.
"On Seeing the Elgin Stone", John Keats asserts the mortality of man and that death is something man or in any case, anyone can avoid. Likewise, William Wordsworth also emphasizes the inevitability of death in his poem "Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood". Both poets from the same Romantic period describes how things will all meet their end, even things that are believed to be immortal will eventually fade away.
the feeling of his wife and unborn child
when everyone is expressing their opinion you are discussing it.
In this excerpt the narrator is complaining about the way achievement test are and how up to that they measure someone’s knowledge. He uses the word bland to describe the right answer of this kind of tests which it means „lacking a strong or particular flavor; not interesting”, in this context can be used describing it as non-sense or not obvious answers. He also complains about how bad he is in this because he cannot find the logic in the answers. With this explained, we can infer that the right answer is D Tan believes that achievement tests give inflated measurements of language ability, because he kind of argues that the answers are not "valid" to measure it.