Thomas Edison.
He created some of the world's most important and some of the greatest inventions at that park.
Muhammad's hegira from Mecca marks the beginning of a new polity. For the first time in Arabia members of a community were bound together not by the traditional ties of clan and tribe but by their shared belief in the one true God. Later believers, looking back on this event, recognized its seminal importance by designating it as the first year of their new era. In further recognition of this great event, the oasis of Yathrib came to be called Medina, "the city [of the Prophet]."
Then humans showed up. Today, the Sahara Desert is defined by undulating sand dunes, unforgiving sun, and oppressive heat. But just 10,000 years ago, it was lush and verdant.
Electricity and the light bulb. The electricity because thanks to the invention many people were able to communicate more and it was first used for so many other inventions on the way. The light bulb became VERY important and especially for everyday convenience since the invention around is said that there's about 20 light bulb inventors (Thomas Edison was just credited). steam power and electricity as well.
The English Longbow provided an advantage against the mounted French knights in the battles of Poitiers and Agincourt.
The English longbow apart for use in hunting served as a powerful Welsh in warfare during the medieval era. This was because they were
- Easy to make
- faster to shoot with accuracy
- very cheap
Notably, history has it that it was used famously at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415 and previously in the wars of the Sluys, Crécy and Poitiers in 1340, 1346, and 1356 respectively.
Through the ages, these longbows were no longer fully effective and sustainable due to the easy wear and tear of the bows and therefore were been replaced in the 16th century to firearms made of gunpowder.
Learn more about the battles of Pontiers and Agincort here: