Answer:The characteristics of Fauvism include: A radical use of unnatural colors that separated color from its usual representational and realistic role, giving new, emotional meaning to the colors. Creating a strong, unified work that appears flat on the canvas. hope this helps :)
Answer: Oleg Shupliak - Home 1976
For example, if there is a L shaped sketch and you dimension from the bottom of the L to just above the horizontal part, and then you dimension the vertical part from the end point of the last dimension you'd be okay. But, if you dimensioned both of those lengths and then the total length you would be over dimensioning the sketch.
Appreciative Listening
When you listen for appreciation you are listening for enjoyment. Think about the music you listen to. You usually listen to music because you enjoy it.
Empathic Listening
When you listen empathically you are doing so to show mutual concern. During this type of listening you are trying to identify with the speaker by understanding the situation in which he/she is discussing.
Comprehensive Listening
If you are watching the news, listening to a lecture, or getting directions from someone, you are listening to understand or listening to comprehend the message that is being sent.
Critical Listening
Have you ever had to buy an expensive item, such as a new appliance, a car, a cell phone, or an iPad? You probably did some research beforehand and listened closely to the salesperson when you went to compare brands.