B. acknowledge an alternative perspective
The sentence shown above was said by Kellogg in his acceptance speech. In this sentence he is referring to the existence of people who present an alternative perspective to that presented by the Parris Pact, which prohibits the development of wars between countries that wish to resolve disagreements between them.
People who have an alternative perspective, believe that this treaty is not enough to prevent wars, but that it is necessary for a world court to aggressively punish people who created these wars.
Step 1 – Read for GIST. Have students skim read or fast read the passage. ...
Step 2 – Read the Prompt to Learn the Question. Students often fail to answer the question asked in a prompt. ...
Step 3 – Close Read the Passage. ...
Step 4 – Re-read the Questions. ...
Step 5 – Organize Thoughts. ...
Step 6 – Compose Response.