Southern states received federal money, more power to govern themslaves, and a promise to with draw federal troops; as a results, southernes remained distrustful of the republicans party and solidy supported democratic candidates
Many of pullman strike workers joined the American railway, which supported their strike by launching a boycoty in which ARU members refused to run trains containing pullman cars
To the extent that the concepts, values and beliefs between southerners and northerners intensified the conflict between them.
As you may already know, the American civil war had political and commercial divergences as main reasons, however, cultural values and all the elements related to this intensified the conflict between northerners and southerners, who, for cultural reasons, had different beliefs, values and concepts and built a great intolerance with these elements between them.
One is the social reform movement.
They operate, maintain or repair geothermal power plants and commercial and residential geothermal heating installations. (googled this for you)