Yes, I feel bad for Oedipus.
Oedipus was cursed to marry his mother and kill his father. Oedipus becomes blind to the events happening to the story and kills his father unknowingly. "If with my knowledge he lives at my hearth
, I pray that I myself may feel my curse."-Oedipus
It seems that the BJP government’s decision to illegalise the sale of cattle for slaughter at animal markets has its roots in a PIL that quotes the five-yearly Gadhimai festival in Nepal, where thousands of buffaloes are taken from India to be sacrificed to ‘appease’ Gadhimai, the goddess of power.
The contradictions that emerge from cattle – here encompassing all bovines – slaughter rules in Nepal perplex many: despite being predominantly Hindu, animal sacrifice continues to be practised. Cow slaughter is explicitly prohibited even in Nepal’s new constitution since it is the national animal, yet the ritual sacrifice of buffaloes and the consumption of their meat is not frowned upon. There is also, in marked contrast to the Indian government’s blanket approach to cattle terminology, a lucid distinction between cows (both the male and female) and other ‘cattle’ species (such as buffaloes and yaks).
The emergence of this contradictory, often paradoxical, approach to cattle slaughter in Nepal is the result of a careful balancing act by the rulers of modern Nepal. The Shah dynasty and the Rana prime ministers often found themselves at a crossroads to explicitly define the rules of cattle slaughter. As rulers of a perceived ‘asal Hindu-sthan’, their dharma bound them to protect the cow – the House of Gorkha borrows its name from the Sanskrit ‘gou-raksha’ – but as they expanded into an empire, their stringent Brahminic rules came into conflict with des-dharma, or existing local customs, where cattle-killing was a norm. What followed was an intentionally ambiguous approach to cattle slaughter, an exercise in social realpolitik.
what passage there is no passage
The character meets their primary issue and decides their fate at this crucial and thrilling point in the narrative.
During the "climax" phase of a plot,
You would anticipate reading this passage: "With just five seconds remaining in the game, Moriah grabbed the rebound. She moved through the players as quickly as she could while running. Moriah knew she had three seconds remaining if she wanted to tie the game. She launched the ball. She succeeded!"
A plot's climax is the point in time when all of the action, feelings, and tensions are at their peak. The audience is "thrilled to the top" at this point because they can't wait to see what happens next. The "falling action" and "resolution" follow the "climax."
When the major issue or dispute is resolved through action, the rising action takes place. The climax is always preceded by escalating action. The protagonist frequently faces a problem that heightens suspense during the growing action.
To know more about climax visit:
he writer’s overall purpose determines the techniques he or she uses. The writer’s
reason for writing a particular article or book may be manipulative, as in propaganda
or advertising, or may be more straightforward, as in informative writing. In either
case, understanding the writer’s underlying purpose will help you interpret the context of the
writing. It will also help you see why writers make the decisions they do—from the largest
decisions about what information to present to the smallest details of what words to use. The
chapter concludes with instructions on how to write an analysis of purpose and technique. This
kind of rhetorical analysis will provide the perspective required to keep you from being pushed by
words in directions you don’t want to go.