Answer:westward expansion, the 19th-century movement of settlers into the American west, began with th Louisiana Purchase and was fueled by the gold rush, the oregan trail and a belief in “manifest destiny”. Your welcome .-.
B. An individual's rights and responsibilities
Rugged individualism is the belief that individuals should work for their own success. This belief means people are responsible for their own economic well being and being able to take care of their family. Social welfare is the concept that a person can accept help from the community. This thinking allows a person to accept help from the government and that individuals would expect the government does help in certain cases and protections.
These two concepts came to a head in the US Great Depression. Republicans tended to argue for rugged individualism and the belief that people would be better off if they provided for themselves. This conservative thinking encouraged people to find innovate and find ways to make money during the Great Depression. Those supporting social welfare wanted the government to help support them. This thinking supports the idea that some services and responsibilities should be the burden of the whole community not just individualism in the community.
The definition of family has been influenced by societal norms and values. Norms of various societies differ with some societies defining family from the extended family point of view and other from the nuclear family point of view. This depends on whether a society is collectivist or individualistic
The following statements which are true about Truman's Fair Deal was that c) It called for national medical insurance. However, the Fair Deal did not really come about, as only little proposals were enacted and this was after long debate in Congress. Truman's major items were never legislated.