People find food in this time period at there local supermarket. However, the only reason we are able to do this is because of farmers.
Some common things that people do in this time period for a living are that they become teachers and construction workers so that our children receive an education and so that we can continue to evolve.
People live where they live in this time period because they no longer have to work as hard as our ancestors did. We dont have to fight for survival but instead, we can live in peace.
*Civilization really hasn't changed over the years that much because us humans still break our backs to get to the goal that we would like to accomplish. But there has been maybe a few bit of some changes, we have technology now, we can do a bit more things that we couldn't have done back then in history.
*Civilization changed over time because we needed it to, Because we actually wanted it to. Through the years we worked hard as a slave just to feed our families, so basically civilization changed for such a good reason. Civilization changed for Us.
umm if u copy and paste the question u can find what u need from google
is seen in documents as important as the Declaration of Independence, it is one not often invoked in policy debates these days.
They could help the plants grow and animals
pls mark brainliest
might this change lead to conflicts in the Europe la