Hills region is located in various places in the state of Louisiana, particularly in the northern and southeastern parts of Louisiana. It is characterized by peculiar vegetation in which Pine Trees dominates the forests of the topography in the region.
Louis XIV was an absolute monarch.
The Chinese laborers often did the most dangerous parts of the construction, including the dynamiting of mountain tunnels. Many men lost their lives constructing the transcontinental railroad; estimates range from 150 to 2,000. Most of these were Chinese Americans.
The correct answer is B.
Clinton v. New York was a decision enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1998, which stated that the line-item veto violated the Presentment Clause and, therefore, the US Constitution.
The line-item veto had been introduced by the Line Item Veto Act in 1996 and it allowed the chief of the executive power, the President, to veto fragments or provisions of a bill without vetoing the entire bill. In opposition, the Presentment Clause describes the procedure through which bills originating in Congress, become federal US law. Such procedures only contemplate the president's power or rejecting an entire bill.