1.) The sentence should say, "Diego Alvarado, who was my college classmate, writes excellent book reviews and speeches."
A comma creates a pause in a sentence as the reader reads the text. Since this person is providing extra info about Diego, they should put a comma to separate it from the overall message.
An unreliable narrator is one we cannot trust completely for various reasons. First of all, this type of a narrator may say one thing at one point, and then something completely different at another, which makes us not trust his words. An unreliable narrator usually shows weird behavior towards themselves and others, which is the case with Montresor. He is treating Fortunado quite awfully, locking him inside a vault due to his mental instability.
When the author, Edgar Allan Poe, uses the technique of the unreliable narrator to portray his protagonist, he is only emphasizing his mental instability and giving us reasons not to trust the narrator and to question his every move.
S is the wrinkly punctuated sentence
Condoms are both a birth control and help prevent STI's.