in 1699 the French established a settlement in mississippi. Technically that's the 1600s. A is certainly true, B is true, and C is true. So it must be D
Jaws (1975), Star Wars (1977), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
The Classic film score, as exemplified by John Wiliams served not as filler, but rather as an enhancer of the motion picture; almost a character in itself! Consider Jaws´ inauspicious Main Title, which has become synonymous with impending danger. Soon after that, probably not just his most famous score, but the most famous in cinema history, the score for Star Wars helped elevate the behemoth to even greater heights, with its Main Title and Force theme. Soon after, he would collaborate with both Spielberg and Lucas to score the first Indiana Jones´ film, Raiders of the Lost Ark; one can´t help but here the Main Title and think about adventures to come.
Andrew Jackson was known for using the spoils system to favor only those who supported him.