output of the following code fragment that invokes Twist is:
1 14 3
In the function Twist(),two parameters are passed. First is passed by value and second is passed by reference. If a variable is passed by value then any change made by the function will not affect the original value of that variable but when a variable is passed by reference then any change made by the function will change the original value of that variable. When Twist() function invokes with a=3 and b=2 then value of c=3+2 i.e c=5, a=3*3 i.e. a=9 (value of "a" was 3 earlier) and and b=c+a i.e b=5+9. Here only "b"is passed by reference for variable "s" then any change in it's value will be reflected in the "s". That will update the value of "s" to 14.
The Python code is given below
# Get our input from the command line
import sys
N = int(sys.argv[2])
# Convert the list of strings into integers
numbers= []
for i in sys.argv[1].split(","):
# numbers now contains the list of integers
f = False
#Use for loop upto len(numbers)
for i in range(0,len(numbers)):
#Use "if" loop to check
if numbers[i] == N:
#Assign "True" to "f"
f = True
#Display "i"
#Check "if" loop by assigning "false" to "f"
if f==False:
#Print "-1"
The type of message format that is designed to arouse
curiosity by not showing the product or delivering quiet enough information to
make sense is teaser. This is a way of providing information that is short and
in which it does not identify the product or the whole message itself.
"sudo" is the command to get super user or root privileges in linux.
in order to install package with root privilege in linux, the command would be
sudo apt-get install <package name>