There are plenty of things that we as individuals can do to slow down the amount of pollution going into the ocean, these could include not flushing anything down the toilet that won't disintegrate (because no matter where you live, all toilet pipes lead to the ocean), converting plastic use to reusable materials; this could include using reusable straws, water bottles, shopping bags, etc. and of course, when you need to throw plastic out, always recycle. :)
I believe the best way an individual can help the oceans is by converting plastics to reusable or at least eco-friendly products. If everyone made a conscious effort to do this, the oceans would be MUCH clearer.
Hope this helps!
Temperature, Nutrients, dissolved oxygen and the pH. A high pH and temp increase the size of plankton
This is usually because when they first became fossils, they embedded into the ground. Over many years afterwards, more layers came to cover that layer and so on. Newer fossils would be embedded into newer layers. That's why the older ones tend to be found the deeper you look.
Mineral crystals are divided into six mineral crystal systems based on geometry and angles between axes.Crystals can be didvided into categories of habit the crystals is the appearance in nature.
They get different genes from each parent.