They regulatde political parties and they controlled elections- is how military leaders prevent democracy in Brazil.
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It leads to a focus on certain aspects of a problem
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the main tendency that this statement seems to have is that favoring one perspective leads to a focus on certain aspects of a problem. This prevents the sociologists to see the whole picture and would cause a misguided conclusion because of it.
The evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin inspired many sociologist to suggest that society is itself an organism which evolves from a primitive stage to a modern one. L.H Morgan suggests three stages of evolution which are savagery, barbarism, and civilization by which society moves from simple to more complex form. British sociologist Herbert Spencer applied Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest to society and according to him western societies are better adaptive to the changing times and therefore they are surviving and evolving.
Some organisms are called produces because they produce foods for other organisms