"The Four Hundred" list was a phrase coined by Ward McAllister, a rich New Yorker who thought that there were exactly 400 people in New York who mattered. This elite was strictly limited, in his opinion, which means that people within this circle held up to each other, disregarding the outside world and always trying to become better than the neighbor: they wanted to spend more, live in bigger homes, have more expensive cars, all in hope to better show off their top position on the social ladder.
Motherhood was the only goal they were taught to reach for, apart from performing the stereotypical functions of managing the household and being good wives. This was in stark contrast to the role of women in the French Revolution where women led movements and fought for rights to education and equal wages.
Answers are:-
1. The question must be clear, concise, and have a single focus for research.
2. The question must be able to be answered using research from valid sources.
A research question is considered effective if it is valid, concise and clear. It should have a single focus. It cannot be ambiguous. We cannot answers a research question by either saying yes or no. Valid sources need to be researched to answer it. Only then, we can draw a proper conclusion to the same.
Thus, out of the given options first ans second statement are correct about a research question. Neither the question must not be related directly or indirectly to the topic as per third statement nor it should be simple as per fourth. The question must not have sub topics as per statement five, Thus, correct answers are statement one and two.

Whenever we are trying to incorporate a coordinating conjunction to combine two sentences, it is not necessary to use commas.
=> The conjunction itself is used to combine both the sentences so, using a commas is an unnecessary thing!
If something is illuminated it means is is lit up by another source. If something is luminous it means that the 'something' in question exerts light.