weak acid
4-6.9 belongs to weak acids
It shows up in your stool. Specifically the undigested food includes material that cannot be absorbed by the vili found in the small intestine. Thereafter the material moves to the large intestine, goes through the bowel tract, turns into feces and exits the GI tract via the rectal cavity
a. hox genes.
HOX genes have the following functions:
- HOX genes are the homeobox subset.
- They specify the areas of the embryo's body plan along the animal head-tail axis.
- They are encoding Hox proteins that specify the position characteristics and ensure that the right structures form at the right position in the body.
- They regulate high-level executive genes, such as transcription factors and intracellular signaling molecules, which adhere, number, form, and growth to cells.
The vertebrates are highly preserved.
The clusters and other genes occur uninterrupted.
Evolutionary, the heterogeneous regulatory areas between the genes most previously present are larger and more preserved than those present at the other ends of the clusters.
The characteristical feature is that these are homeodomain proteins with a highly preserved area of DNA binding encoded with homeobox gens.
circulatory system is the answer
Mitosis takes place in four stages: prophase (sometimes divided into early prophase and prometaphase), metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. You can learn more about these stages in the video on mitosis. In cytokinesis, the cytoplasm of the cell is split in two, making two new cells.
(Hope this helps)