Inside the Manor is a land managed by feudal landlords four areas can be found in it which is the village, farmland, meadow land and wasteland.
The village is the place where the people live. The farmland is the place where the people plant and have livestock for, the meadowland is the place for the animals to graze on grass and the wasteland is the place where they kept all their garbages.
Out of all the answers, C is the most likely. Majority of our current forms of energy are nonrenewable resources. As such, we're using them all up.
Hi there.
A) artillery played a major role in the defeat of the Inca by the Spanish.
The foundation of Jim Crow laws was that the "African Americans are culturally and intellectually inferior to white people."
The ladyies work very fasionalble clothing with scarfs and hats and the men wore very fancy outfits such as tux's and nice shoes