2. Peacekeeping today implicates the stationing of troops in order to separate oposing parties as a first stage in the peacefull search of a common solution suitable for both parties.
The Vienna Congress in fact was a convent that was aimed at redesigning the map of Europe, goal was to restore France in it's limits of 1789 and redistribute the territorial gains of the French Empire to those countries they had been taken from.
Certain countries to close to Napoleonic ideas and way of life were simply ignored or overruled and smaler ones simply integrated to larger ones. Belgium for example was used as buffer zone between the Netherlands and France as a protection from any eventual attack coming from France in the Future. Thiscountry was an artificial creation of the Vienna Congress, it was annexed to the Empire of the House of Orange as a southern province before a revolution in 1830 split them from the Netherlands into independancy.
These countries were partly occupied by massive troops formations in order to fight any trial of opposing the new established government. There was no search of a peacefull solution, but an imposed one!
The Puritans believed that their purpose was to start a new life in America(their mission).
Im pretty sure the answer is C
C. the first meeting of the
Virginia General Assembly
was held
1.Use up land till resources dwindle: nomads
2.Little development of skills, besides ones needed for hunting and gathering.
3.Tribal structure, usually consisting of a few, usually related family units.
4.Emphasis on the "Becoming of Man" ritual instead of other ceremonies i.e. Marriage, birth, and death.