A temperature inversion is a thin layer of the atmosphere where the normal decrease in temperature with height switches to the temperature increasing with height. An inversion acts like a lid, keeping normal convective overturning of the atmosphere from penetrating through the inversion.
Since plants and fungi are both derived from protists, they share similar cell structures. Unlike animal cells, both plant and fungal cells are enclosed by a cell wall.
Answer: C. Positive feedback mechanisms are overwhelmed.
Homeostasis, is the maintenance of a normal internal environment, in the face of external and internal disturbances, so that the functions of cells and systems of the body are preserved. This is accomplished primarily through feedback systems, so when a system is disturbed, a diversity of local responses, systemic reflexes (rapid reactions and automatic stimuli) and long-term adjustments are activated to bring the system back to its normal equilibrium point.
Most systems are controlled by negative feedback mechanisms, with the controlled variable being able to "turn off" its release, in the same way as a thermostat controls the temperature of a room. So, in this context, too much positive feedback would be related to harmful effects, such as homeostatic imbalance.