Yes they should stop and think about it cause evn if they read fast after they read it they don't know what they readed so you should slow down,think,and lock it into your min or to make it more fun make a movie in your mind
Answer: He cuts the grass everyday to keep the grass low to create the illusion of the yard appearing larger. By the end of the week he starts the cycle again to make sure the grass doesn't start overgrowing.
I don't like rock. Solo he respondido esto para ganar puntos JAJAJJA
para los pueblos indigenas, el idioma no solo es un marcador de identidad y pertenencia al grupo , sino tambien el vehiculo de sus valores eticos.
la situacion de las lenguas indigenas es un reflejo de la de sus hablantes.En muchas parted del mundo , estan al borde de la extincion.
espero que ayude