The Creoles wanted independence from Spain due to several factors: (1) second class citizen status, (2) Bourbon rule, and (3) the takeover by Napoleon...
The main differences from Quaker colony to others in British America was that they believed in religious freedom and that any religious minority could worship freely without fear of being persecuted, jailed or killed. This made this colony become an ethical and religiously diverse colony because it attracted religious minorities with open-minded citizens.
One of the main differences was that the Quaker colony had a pure democracy, one did not have to own property to vote or participate in politics. It was also the first abolitionist colony,
- AFL matches with goals 3.
- NLU matches with goal 1.
- Knights of Labor matches goal 2.
- Trade Unions matches with goal 4.
AFL tried to better the bargaining possition of workers with employers and getting the work conditions more human.
NLU tried to limit the work day until 8 hours as maximum.
Knights of Labor matches with goal 2 because it admitted experts or unskilled workers in its national union.
Trade Unions matches with goal 4 because they tried to get better work environments for employees not only fighting by it selves, but also associating with other organizations so as to increase their popularity and power.
The anser is A hope this helped