A and C
Without a quick solution to the wildfire, we citizens may be in trouble
We do not need a solution right away, since two days is plenty of time to solve global food insecurity.
i'm not quite sure if this is correct because i couldn't find much on what the answer is but i think C is for sure correct
I go to my grandmas every year, for Christmas dinner.
You are taking the sentence " I go to my grandmas every year" and you are giving it an explanation using " for".
Do you have more information?
The Yellow Wallpaper definitely messes with your mind. It suspends the readers disbelief and plays tricks on you. It makes you think one thing when really something else is going on.
DescriptionThe Red River Rebellion was the sequence of events that led up to the 1869 establishment of a provisional government by the Métis leader Louis Riel and his followers at the Red River Colony, in what is now the Canadian province of Manitoba.