The correct answr is D. The spider scurried under the kitchen cabinet.
"Under" is the preposition here which signifies the logical relationship between two objects, the spider and the kitchen cabinet.
Under signifies how these two objects are connected to each other.
?! This sentence has no subordinate clause. In fact, it lacks a subordinating conjunction.
Do note that it IS possible to rewrite this sentence to CREATE a subordinating clause, but there is no subordinate clause that can be moved -- based on the sentence you have provided.
Some examples:
<em>After </em>clothes become too worn to be sold, they can be shredded and reprocessed into new items.
<em>Whenever </em>clothes become too worn to be sold, they can be shredded and reprocessed into new items.
<em>Once </em>clothes become too worn to be sold, they can be shredded and reprocessed into new items.
Dedé did not join in, partly because her husband, Jaimito, did not want her to. ... Patria was never arrested but her husband and son were jailed. Their and Patria's husbands, who were also involved in the underground activities, were incarcerated at La Victoria Penitentiary in Santo Domingo.
Students whose graduation requirement is Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 Reading may satisfy this requirement by earning the alternate passing score of 349 on the FSA ELA Retake or by earning a concordant score as described in Table 3.
The answer is A) she was ravenous for a son-in-law. The figurative language being used is a hyperbole (an exaggeration).