HI, a frontier is an area of unexplored land close to or near a states borders.
Despite being called as one of the greatest civilization, it showed some of its problems.
Greece society divided into four social classes, which included the upper, the middle (metics), the lower (freedmen), and the slave. The upper class consisted of those born to Athenian parents with wealth.
Ancient Greek society dominated by the male citizen, where male could hold legal status, give votes, conduct meetings, and own property. Women and children not considered to be part of the citizen and kept away from voting rights.
The lower classes in Greece began to rebel against the aristocracy and the wealthy.
provide collective security against the Soviet Union
He defeated a Muslim invasion from Spain
By 700, a majordomo was the most powerful person in the Frankish Kingdom .From 719 this position was in the hands Charles Martel, who become the important person in the country .In the battle of Poitiers (near Tours) in 732 he defeated Arabs, and after the battle he was called Charles the Hammer and Christian Hero.