<span>Uma infraestrutura eficiente reduz o custo para as empresas e para a população. Para uma indústria cada vez mais competitiva, o país precisa de uma rede efetiva de transportes que interliga os diferentes modos. Ao mesmo tempo, uma experiência logística depende da adequação entre eles ao longo dos principais eixos logísticos que transportam bens manufaturados no país.</span>
Answer: Camillo Benso, count di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Explanation: both 19th-century politicians (at that time Italy was not unified). Cavour was a prime minister of Sardinian kingdom (1852-1859 and then between 1860 and 1861), he was a monarchist politician and belong to those politicians who attempted to unify Italian territories under the rule of Savoy dynasty. He became internationally recognized politician when waging a Crimean war together with Britain and France.
Giuseppe Garibaldi is considered a representantive figure of Italian <em>risorgimento</em> movement driven by nationalist sentiments of that time. In 1860 he was able to move from Genoa to Sicily, to conquer a kingdom of Two Sicilies (at that time under the rule of Bourbon dynasty) and Umbria. These territories Garibaldi handed in to Savoy dynasty (Victor Emmanuel II). After all these event Italian kingdom was proclaimed in Torino (1861). Garibaldi was born in Nizza (today French city of Nice), so he is - as well as Cavour who was born in Torino - from the extreme west of Italy.
In a way, yes .
I believe that the hesitation that America felt before dropping the bomb , had be relieved by that concept . Keep in mind that this is my opinion lol .
wasn't he transported back to the White House?
Unless I remember so incorrectly.