The correct option for this question is File.
programmers who are competent in data structures and algorithms can easily perform the tasks related to data processing ,automated reasoning ,or calculations . data structure and algorithms is significant for developers as it shows their problems solving abilities amongst the prospective employers .
When you change the size of an individual shape in a SmartArt graphic, the remaining shapes may adjust their sizes and positions, depending upon the layout of your SmartArt graphic and the amount of available space. In some cases, only the individual shape that you resize will change. In others cases, corresponding shapes will change their size as well.
Answered below
//Program is written in Java.
public void first three elements(int[] nums){
int I;
//Check if array has up to three elements
if(nums.length > 3){
for(I = 0; I < nums.length; I++){
while (I < 3){
System.out.println(nums [I]);
System.out.print("Array does not contain up to three elements");