A molecule is made of more than one atom of differing elements that can be simplified while an element cannot be simplified because it is only one atom of one type of element.
The answer is long
The bone indicated by the arrow is femur bone. It should be classified as the long bone. Other example for long bones would be tibia and fibula. Short bone would be carpal or tarsal bones. Flat bone could be found in skull. Irregular bone would be the vertebrae or pelvic.
Please dont cheat your way through medical school
D. altering it to fit within the hypothesis
An experiment is carried out to fill an inquisition i.e. to answer a question. According to the scientific method, prior to experimentation, there must be a HYPOTHESIS. The hypothesis is tested for rejection or approval via experimentation.
After the experiment has been conducted, several things can be done with the data obtained. For example:
- Data can be interpreted
- the data can be plotted in a graph to find correlations
- It can be analyzed it with statistical analysis.
One thing that should never be done is; altering the data from experimentation to fit in the hypothesis.
Accordingly, the introductory physics laboratories have the following purposes and goals:
1. To provide an experimental foundation for the theoretical concepts introduced in the lectures. It is important that students have an opportunity to verify some of the ideas for themselves.
2. To familiarize students with experimental apparatus, the scientific method, and methods of data analysis so that they will have some idea of the inductive process by which the ideas were originated. To teach how to make careful experimental observations and how to think about and draw conclusions from such data.
3. To introduce the methods used for estimating and dealing with experimental uncertainties, including simple ideas in probability theory and the distinctions between random (statistical) and systematic "errors." This is essential in understanding what valid conclusions can be deduced from experimental data and that, properly obtained, these conclusions are valid, notwithstanding the uncertainty of the data.