A. The chromatin near cis-regulatory sequences will be more closed and there will be less transcription.
In the presence of histones, the cis-regulatory sequences of DNA like promoter, enhancers etc. are not exposed. The function of the histone acetyltransferases (HATS) is to cause chromosome decondensation i.e. removal of histones from the DNA so that transcription of the DNA could occur. Histone acetyltransferases (HATS) cause acetylation of lysine amino acid of the histone proteins. Acetyl group is negatively charged so the acetylation of histone proteins leads to the removal of their positive charge which ultimately leads to the decrease in the interaction between N terminal of histones and negatively charged phosphate group of the DNA molecule. As soon as histones are removed from the DNA where cis-regulatory sequences are located, the DNA becomes accessible for transcription.
But here a drug has been added which blocks the activity of histone acetyltransferases (HATS) in cancer cells. So it is quite evident that in these cells, histones will not get removed from the cis-regulatory sequences of DNA so the DNA will be more closer or tightly packed as a result of which less transcription will occur.
Answer: Las orugas, larvas de mariposas y polillas, se alimentan casi exclusivamente de plantas. La mayoría de las orugas mastican felizmente las hojas, aunque algunas se alimentan de otras partes de la planta, como semillas o flores, mientras que durante la etapa de adulto, la mariposa se alimenta de néctar y pasa de ser un herbívoro a ser un importante polinizador.
B. An atom whose nucleus is unstable and emits particles and and energy. This is a Radioactive isotope.
The atomic nuclei of constituent atoms of the same element include the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. Radio isotopes are an element's radioactive isotopes. They can alternatively be described as atoms with an excess of energy in their nucleus or atoms with an unstable ratio of neutrons to protons. A radioisotope's unstable nucleus can form either spontaneously or as a result of a deliberate alteration of the atom. Radioisotope production can occur using either a cyclotron or a nuclear reactor. Molybdenum-99, which has a high neutron content, can be produced most effectively in nuclear reactors, whereas fluorine-18, which has a high proton content, can be produced most effectively in cyclotrons. Uranium is the most well-known illustration of a radioisotope that is found naturally. Uranium-238 constitutes all naturally occurring uranium with the exception of 0.7%.
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With the study on coat color, mice who could blend in better in the environment would be less likely to be detected bu the predator. Another hypothesis could be made in relevance to their legs. Longer legs would help the mice run quicker and increase the chances of escaping from the grasp of the predator, and hence, make survival more likely so it will be selected for. While shorter legged mice will be selected against since they are at a disadvantage.