Mi padre es alto y rubio pero mis abuelos son bajos y morenos.
El autobús = bus
El metro = subway
By foot = a pie
El tren = train
Hope this helped xx
The answer here would be "Has la tarea" meaning "do the homework in spanish.
Si la puerta no está abierta, está cerrada<span>.
-if the door is not open, it is closed - cerrada is the opposite of cerrada
Marco está </span>nervioso<span> porque tiene un examen hoy.
Nervioso means nervious - he is nervious before his exam
Juan necesita dormir porque está </span>cansado<span>.
-he needs to sleep because he is tired (cansado)
Felipe está </span>aburrido<span> porque no encuentra nada interesante que hacer.
what do you do when you have nothing interesting to do? you are bored (aburrido, like Felipe)
Ana está </span>enojada <span>porque no encuentra el libro que busca.
Ana is angry - enojada - because she can't find a book she is looking for
Debes limpiar el piso porque está </span>sucio<span>.
here the apartment is dirty - sucio - and it needs cleaning</span>