B. Cuneiform, Sumerian
The cuineform writing style could be described as a wedge styled writing format which is usually produced by dipping stylus into soft clay in other produce the desired words to be written. It often represents a pictogram at the earliest as the Sumerian people of Mesopotamia have been credited with the invention and development of the cuineform writing system, which is one of the oldest writing styles as far back as 3000-3500 BCE according to history. The Cuineform writing system which is more aligned towards a pictorial representation rather was widely adopted at the time bybthe Mesopotamian masses before a shift towards the adoption of the alphabet format styled writing later.
it is the sky and telephone wires
1. Their melting the polar ice caps which is also melts the plight's of the polar bears. can lead to drastic disasters floods,and reduced acsess to food raise's the rate of global warming
These are three of Wilson´s 14 points:
- Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at.
- Freedom of the seas.
- An indedependent Poland.
Secret pacts with secret clauses were a common practive of European diplomacy; president Woodrow Wilson was against this practice.
Freedom of navigation and of the seas have always been important for an economic and major naval power like the USA.
Poland disappeared from the map of Europe by the end of the 18th century, but it was a large nation and such a proposal would be in agreeement with the principle of self-determination backed by Wilson.