Many religious communities have the term Sisters of Charity as part of their name. While some Sisters of Charity communities refer to the Vincentian tradition, and in America to the tradition of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton those links are by no means universal. It is important to recognize that there may be no "family" or historical relationship between groups having the phrase Sisters of Charity as part of their name. The rule of Vincent de Paul for the Daughters of Charity has been adopted and adapted by at least sixty founders of religious institutes around the world in the subsequent centuries.
Because people experience the world differently.
Everything, from their point of view to the emotions they were feeling at the time, can influence how somebody remembers something.
because they fought for a very long time have very little resources yet they wanted to keep fighting to show the British they were still strong without them so they thought by wearing down the British's resources they would surrender and give them American independence but this is just by information I gathered from different articles so if it is wrong I am sorry
Colonial troops were regularly used for imperial defense to include Indians in importance part of UK European operations of defense and neighboring European conflict ie) France and Germany and many European conflicts. Other reasons are there were clashes in neighboring colonial areas between European conflicts that lead to power struggles.