A.First,people predicted what it would be like to reach out to someone in these two days and then they predicted how connected and how awkward they would feel in each situation.
They would think we are so advanced in everything we do they would wanna become one of us
The crafters of the United States constitution wanted a system of government wherein the people had a voice in their ruling but at the same time, the crafters were worried that the people would rule like a mob without checks and that the majority would persecute the minorities in the country.
Both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists agreed that there were dangers inherent in the system, which is why the crafters created a system with checks and balances on the lawmaking process and a bicameral legislature with a body, the US Senate, whose job is to ensure that cooler heads always prevail.
This shows the influence of thinkers like Edmund Burke, a British philosopher, who advocated for incremental change.
The cost of this is that things do move slowly and sometimes the legislatures misses the ball. The response to this has been a stronger Executive branch with the power to create temporary executive orders but the process is still slow.
The benefit is an incremental system that has lasted longer than any system of Government in the world.
The question is whether or not America's system can adequately work in a time when new challenges and threats are coming every minute.
1st: <u>Clerics and Kings</u> on the top of the hierarchy, <u>Farmers and Warriors</u> beneath them, <u>Fishermen</u> on the third layer, <u>Weavers and Leatherworkers</u> on the fourth layer and <u>Smiths and Griots</u> at the bottom layer.
2nd: The political systems of African kingdoms <u>shared similarities with European kingdoms</u>. The king, such as <u>Mansa Musa</u> of <u>Mali</u> and <u>Sonni Ali</u> of Songhay, had near absolute power and there was no separation of power. The king and his councilors and advisors carried out <u>executive, legislative, and judicial functions.</u>
3rd: First, the early African kingdoms and empires r<u>elied heavily on trade with other people</u>. Besides the trade in <u>ivory, gold, and other commodities</u> identified earlier, produce from agriculture was also exchanged in the form of <u>cash crops</u>. These trade relations put them at the center of the economy of the east and west.
Hope this helped ;)