English investors received a land grant from King James I. It created an incentive system where you gave money and you were promised land (with the royal seal, figuratively).
If you're familiar with the joint-stock company, these were the first examples of today's' corporations.
B. Tuskegee Army Air Field
The Roosevelt corollary was an addition by President Theodore Roosevelt to the Monroe Doctrine. According to the Monroe Doctrine, Europeans could not intervene on the American continent; the Roosevelt Corollary provided that the United States had priority to intervene against foreign interventions.
The Roosevelt Corollary was theorized after Germany and the United Kingdom threatened an armed intervention in Venezuela in 1902 due to financial issues, only to submit to the Permanent Court of Arbitration, under pressure from Roosevelt himself, and after thirty-two countries claimed the payment of $ 32 million in debt from the Dominican Republic.
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”