Once the sun's energy reaches earth, it is intercepted first by the atmosphere. A small part of the sun's energy is directly absorbed, particularly by certain gases such as ozone and water vapor. Some of the sun's energy is reflected back to space by clouds and the earth's surface.
a budget opportunity beacause hes problem is budget
Land bridge theory many scholars think that 15,000 years ago during an ice age hunters crusty land bridge between Siberia and Alaska in search of mammoths and other animals coastal route theory today some scholars think that 40,000 years ago Hunters and gathers think others arrive on Smallboat eventually working on their way down the West Coast of America
d. 133.
IQ otherwise known as Intelligent Quotient, is a measure of intelligence, which is applied by using ratio of mental age to physical or chronological age, then multiply by 100.
Hence, a child of 9year old had a mental age of 12 year old, (which means, performing on the test meant for an average 12 year old) the child is then assigned IQ of 12/9 * 100 which equals to IQ of 133.
Therefore, a 9-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency of an average 12-year-old was said to have an IQ of 133.