My biggest goal in life so far is being able to make my mom/family happy. My setbacks are usually things that I do that are not so good and I disappoint. I just want another chance you know? A chance to go and stop those things.
I am not completely sure what you are asking. But here is my best shot.
During - time, it tells what is happening while
the - is a preposition
epidemic - what is happening (relates to the first question)
early - when it is happening
warnings - the noun/subject
widely - where it is going
This is a standard form of speech.
She was born via C-section after Mami gave birth to Xavier—Xiomara's brother Twin—with no complications, and Xiomara feels like people struggle in the same way to say her name. It's pronounced “See-oh-MAH-ruh.” She no longer flinches when teachers mess it up on the first day of school.
u can help by speaking up
Like the narrator of “An Encounter,” he yearns to experience new places and things, but he is also like Eveline and other adult characters who grapple with the conflict between everyday life and the promise of love.