The patriots and the French had the British troops surrounded nothing and no one could come in or out. <span />
This style is called accommodating. It happens when the person does not think about his or herself and would rather care or serve other people instead. It is like the person would rather fulfill the wishes of the person around him or her than to even fulfill his or her own. It is a way of not caring to one's self and only to others.
Disengaged family.
As the exercise shortly details, a disengaged family is characterised by the lack of attention to each other, by the little interest in each other. They are withdrawn emotionally; can't gather enough interest to even share a meal together. The family system is meant to take a whole a family as a group of individuals but not picking them apart. It was first introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen who understood that this individuals could not be understood separated from one another, but together.
In general, Republicans tend to take a more conservative stand on issues. They believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people's lives. Most Republicansfavor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. Theybelieve in less government intervention in business and the economy