Ethiopia lacked a permanent capital; instead, the royal encampment served as a roving capital.
Watt aided the Industrial Revolution even more when he discovered a way to make a steam engine turn in circles. This made it possible to use steam engines for purposes other than pumping water out of coal mines. As a result, Watt aided the Industrial Revolution by making steam power far more useful for driving machinery.
In clearer terms, James Watt aided the Industrial Revolution by improving the Newcomen steam engine, resulting in a new, more efficient engine.
Hope this helps and if it does, don't be afraid to give my answer a "Thanks" and maybe a Brainliest if it's correct?
One of the reasons why the constitution enters a successful guide for the government is the acknowledges principles. Another that the writers use patients to write the constitution. The last reason is that the constitution is very flexible to deal with changing times. Hope that helped u!❤️
Having an amendment and legislation process is a guarantee that enough thinking, debate and analysis has been put through the elaboration of the Law, Bill or amendment. It gives the assurance that is hard to create a Law, Bill or Amendment therefore it guaranties political stability in the democracy.