Meaning that the trouble that was made was all their fault. (I think, I hope it helped)
The correct answer is option one.
First, the author describes how Dominican dictator Trujillo requires tributes to be made in his name and provides a few examples. Secondly, Alvarez explains her father's reaction to one of Trujillo's praises. Finally, she depicts the moment her mother has to go through a humiliating tribute to a dictator she does not support.
Rhymes the second and fourth lines
A year ago I wrote this same type of essay, I'm going to give you pointers.
1: The deer population on Komodo island is decreasing due to poachers. The effect of the decreasing Deer Population means less food for the Dragons
2: The villagers are currently facing problems with the Komodo dragons both of their livestock being attacked and their own children being attacked as well. In fact a villager commented: "Today is a goat, tomorrow is a child".
3: These problems can be easily fixed. The government can help stop poaching on deers. Secondly, a petition for the villagers to allow feeding the Komodo to stop them from going after their livestock and children has been requested. Lastly, a dragon-proof fence has also been requested by the villagers but has been denied by the Nature Conservancy.
Hope this helped!
languages we speak.
sense of responsibility
cooperation between people
social interaction
may this hepls u