ns: Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Informational Research Chart and introduction, you will write the body paragrap
hs of your Cause and Effect informational article. Begin your Works Cited page as you write your body. List all the resources you decide to use in your writing. See the lesson on citing sources or the Writer’s Workshop for the correct format. You will not submit this page in this lesson. You will submit it with your final draft. Important note: You will submit your introduction and body in this assignment. View the grading rubric as you complete your assignment. This is your guide to a super submission. You have previously written the introduction to your article. Now you will write the body paragraphs to continue your cause and effect article. Be sure to use the information you previously wrote in your Informational Research Chart and your introduction. In at least three body paragraphs remember to include: a subheading for each section of the body transition phrases at the beginning of each paragraph a topic sentence for each body paragraph support for your topic sentence with evidence from your research, using signal phrases five or more complete sentences in each paragraph at least one graphic in your article at least one link to a resource that supports your thesis technical language to show your understanding of the topic Use correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and write in formal style using the third person point of view. Add your introduction to the body. Save your work to your computer or drive. Submit your work in 02.08 Support Your Ideas.
Answer: well I can not write a paper for you but can give you guidance, use the information from your research to support your good/ bad argument I have no idea what you researched but what you might consider is starting with listing your good in a paragraph or two and support it using your research insert sentences from your articles and cite them then write another paragraph or two on the bad also supporting it with your research and citing it as well. You want to put as much content in your own words and not directly quote the resources hope this helps
up experts and setting them up in interviews is the most reliable way to get
the opinions of experts on any writing topic. Because in this type of source,
you get the first-hand information from someone who has a forte on that certain