Top area of Word, the second segment.
To make it bold, press the "B" button and to change the colour press the "A" underlined with a colour (normally red).
All five things i can come up with her
1. Doors (we either open or close them)
2. Tap (we either open or close the valve)
3. Electric stove/cooker
4. The lid of containers
5. Shoes/ foot wears(we put them ON or OFF)
1 distraction is phones , texting and driving . They could have a system in their car which activated by a voice assistant who could do it al for them
Written in Python
import math
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following header allows you to use Math.Round() method in Python
import math
The following prompts the user for temperature in degrees Fahrenheit
degreesF = float(input("Enter a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit: "))
The following calculates the degree Celsius equivalent and also round it up
degreesC = round(5 * (degreesF - 32)/9,1)
The following prints the degree Celsius equivalent