My mind used common sense UwU
A) Devonian
Fourth division of the Paleozoic era, the Devonian (or Devonian) comprises the period between 416 and 354 million years ago, succeeding the Silurian and preceding the Carboniferous.
Although in this period the terrestrial environment is increasingly conducive to life, the Devonian is still known as the "age of fish". During this period, the first vertebrae, sharks, lobed-fin fish, ray-finned fish and placodermos (group of fish with armor that took the top of the food chain) emerged. Some freshwater fish developed lungs, which gave them the ability to breathe out of the water - soon the first amphibians would originate from fish with lobed fins. On the continents, however, animal life was still marked by the presence of arthropods, such as arachnids and insects.
Placental detachment.
In the final stretch of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding tends to worry doctors and mothers a little more, as it arouses suspicion of placental detachment - a serious condition that can lead to bleeding and disrupt the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the child. Depending on the situation, the doctor may need to have an emergency caesarean section. If the detachment is only partial, however, it is possible to proceed with the pregnancy, provided that medical follow-up becomes intensive.
Edema occurs when blood pressure exceeds the counteracting force of the vascullar walls in the bloodstream, so fluid remains in the spaces surrounding cells and body tissue swells.
The intravascular hydrostatic pressure increases due to an increase in fluids, therefore the vessel walls begin to perceive this increase in pressure in their walls, generating fluid extravasion to areas of lower pressure.