C. While foreign migrant workers are forced to leave the United States after a period of time, migrant workers from within the United States are able to stay and work indefinitely.
The author was trying to let us know that, due to the type of visa which the migrant workers have, they have no choice than to leave the US after the expiring of the validity while on the otherhand, the migrant workers from within US never had such issue.
Roasted chicken taste better without any sauce because it sets off an explosive mouth watering experience. I hope this works!
a. Are the good boys?
b. Are you very well?
c. Is it Expensive?
d. Are we Sick?
e. Am I Jane?
Todas as frases que você apresentou apresentam o verbo "to be", nese caso, para passar essas frases para a forma interrogativo, que representa uma pergunta, só precisariamos trocar o lugar do verbo com o do pronome. É importante não esquecer de iniciar a frase com uma letra maiuscula e colocar o sinal de interrogação ao finaliza-la.
I believe the term is known as "Thermology".