The labourer was a poor man but his son worked hard in the fields and believed a lot in God while the rich man had a son who was young,smart and handsome but was dissatisfied with what he had and so he died early.
The labourer's son died with a smile on his face and enjoyed all the years till he lived.
E.<span> I know well enough that a step like that is improper and might be misconstrued.</span>
Because that creates suspense and helps to make the audience feel more thrilled when they see the real trick. You see... the fake trick makes the audience this is it. Like.. this is what the guy is capable of but that is not the truth. So when he performs the real trick, the amazement of the people will be more than the amazement they would have if they had seen the real trick just like that. So.. yeah. It helped to bring more excitement.
A. Georgina, who says that she does not participate in elections
Altruistic means having a disinterest or selfless concern for the well being of others.
She has a disinterest for how this affects others
I believe it's interrogatory due to it asking a question towards the end.