There are Animated Power Point templates you could use. You can find them online. There are a lot to choose from that suits your needs.
A whole step.
The notes are from G to A, with G Sharp/A Flat between them. As a sharp/flat note is between them, it is a whole step.
Similarly, E to F is a half step, and G to G sharp is a half step.
I think true. There wasn't enough info to go off of.
This is one GREAT drawing tip that I always tend to use.
To shade:- To make it look like the person has contour, you can shade it with the pencil, then, smudge the place shaded with your finger...(rub on it). We do this so that it could look like a shaded area, it will make it look fabulous!
Try to make it look different:- Don't copy anything anyone makes, try to make it unique by adding shades, cold and warm.
Answer:Monochromatic color schemes are derived from a single base hue and extended using its shades, tones and tints. Tints are achieved by adding white and shades and tones are achieved by adding a darker color, grey or black.