To write a Sonnet, First we should know some basics information about it.
A sonnet shows a single idea, but it is generally an idea that evolve and expands, with multiple facets, leading to a conclusion – and all within a very specified rhyming scheme.
There are three simple steps to write sonnet-
- Think of an idea for your sonnet.
The idea can be about your feeling, thoughts, person, favourite items etc.
- Your sonnet must rhyme in a specific pattern
Your 14 line sonnet must be written in three sets of four lines and one set of two lines.
- Your sonnet must have a metrical pattern
In this write your sonnet in iambic pentameter. That means that you must use iambus. Iambus is another word for a two-syllable foot.
you can also go through this link to know examples of sonnet
Not sure i think it’s (a) furniture ... because maybe the furniture includes infrastructure?! hope i helped :(.
the cooler has correct answer
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