<h3>Answer: </h3>
about 0.296
The probability is found from ...
... C(12, 2)×(1/6)^2×(5/6)^10 ≈ 66×0.0044863 ≈ 0.29609
C(n, k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!)
C(12, 2) = (12·11)/(2·1) = 66 . . . . the number of ways 7s can show up in 12 rolls of the dice.
Donda da donda I put it in the Honda make it go poof like its cosmo and qanda what even is a donda oh shoot that's his momma
The supply curve will be composed of the following points
(10, 1000) from the statement: 1000 shoes in the market at $10
(25, 1200) from the statement: 12000 shoes at $25 per pair
(40, 1400) from the statement: <span>$40 per pair, the existing firms increase production to 1400 each</span>
Others are petroleum derivatives