Lodge sabotaged the League covenant by declaring the United States exempt from Article X. He attached reservations, or amendments, to the treaty to this effect. Wilson, bedridden from a debilitating stroke, was unable to accept these changes. He asked Senate Democrats to vote against the Treaty of Versailles unless the Lodge reservations were dropped. Neither side budged, and the treaty went down to defeat.
Explanation:Seditious speech is the urging of an attempt to overthrow the government by force or to disrupt its lawful activities with violence. It is restricted by the government because words can be weapons.
because of its opposition to slavery in the territories; the whigs and Know-nothings split over slavery.
Scientific truth is based on facts. Philosophy, religion, feelings, and prejudice have nothing to do with science. Only facts matter. Verified, reproducible facts are the bedrock of scientific truth. The facts are used to construct theories which describe the detailed relations among large numbers of facts and their origin from common roots.
The last president of the U.S. to receive an actual formal declaration of war from congress was Franklin Roosevelt. It was for World War 2.