Governor Robert Dinwiddie sent 21-year-old Major George Washington of the Virginia Regiment on a mission to confront the French forces.
The "Palestinians" of the time were everybody who lived in the British mandate ... Jews, Arabs, Christians, and others, all of them 'Palestinians'. The surrounding Arab nations opposed the UN resolution to divide the mandate and I give the Jews administrative control over any of it. The Jews declared their piece to be a state. The Arabs didn't. And five Arab nations massed their military forces, and attacked Israel. Even though Israel was only days old, and had no army or air Force, the attackers failed to conquer Israel. That was almost 70 years ago. In that time, they have never absorbed the Arabs who left Israel, they have not built their own state, they still don't want Israel to exist, they have attacked it two more times, and now they teach their children to hate all Jews.
In what year? There were many years where nothing was in common at all and now there is most everything in common
Answer: stop the financial suffering that occurred once the Medidi withdrew their money from the city
Cosimo Medici was captured by his rivals and sent on exile. While in exile, he engaged in politics and soon grew powerful and worked hard to return.
However, a short time later, the people of Florence invited him back because the Medici family had withdrawn their financial support from the city.